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When was plywood first used in furniture

When was plywood first used in furniture

Plywood was first used in furniture in the 1860s. This was after the invention of the rotary lathe by Immanuel Nobel, which led to the commercialiation of plywood. Ancient Egyptians used to cut wood to thin slices and glue it together for cosmetic and commercial purposes.

Commercial grade office desk

In modern years, it has gained popularity as a construction and furniture material. Plywood is preferred as an alternative to different types of natural wood such as oak and pine because of its flexibility, strength and lightness.

For most plywood panels, the face plies are of a higher quality than those at the core. Plywood can be categorised into the following:

  • Birch plywood
  • Mixed plywood
  • Conifer plywood

white office desk

Types of plywood varieties

Plywood is used for different purposes, hence, there are diferent types to suit each use. The different plywood varieties include the following:

1. Hardwood plywood

Hardwood plywood is made from wood such as beech, mahogany, and oak. It's a preferred option because of its strength, sturdiness, damage resistance and durability. This type of plywood is used for making furniture, and flooring among other things.

2. Softwood plywood

Made of cedar, pine, fir, and redwood, softwood plywood is ideal for industrial and construction purposes.

3. Troplical plywood

Common in the Asian region, tropical plywood is made of different tropical hardwood species. It's sold at a premium value thanks to its strength, thickness and even layers. 

bench desk

4. Flexible plywood

Flexible plywood is commonly used for making curved parts, making it ideal for making furniture such as office desks and tables.

5. Marine grade plywood

Also used in making boats, marine grade plywood is used in making kitchen or bathroom furniture thanks to its water resistance properties. It's also pretty sturdy and durable compared to other counterparts like MDF and chipboard.

Other types of plywood includes overlaid plywood, and high-strength plywood. With plywood, you can apply any polish and finish you want to suit your space and decor theme.

Reception desk counter

Advantages of using plywood in furniture

Made from thin layers of wood layered together, plywood is used with solid wood when making furniture to reinforce the strength of the wood. Here are some of the advantages that make plywood ideal for wood furniture.

1. It's lightweight

Unlike solid wood plywood weighs less hence when used to make furniture, it significantly reduces the weight of the furniture. It is also available in different thickness sizes.

2. It's affordable

With plywood, you don't need to break the bank when getting furniture made from it because the material is affordable. Plywood furniture is a cost-effective alternative to olid wood.

sit stand office desk

3. Versatility

When thinking of the different types of furniture that can be made from plywood, the list is practically endless. Considering the different types of plywood you get a wide variety of options to choose from. From dressers, ardrobes, book shelves, office desks, to console tables, you can't go wrong with plywood furniture.

4. Durability

Thanks to the quality of the material, plywood furniture is durable. Plywood doesn't contract or expand like other solid wood varieties, thus contributing to its longevity. Also, it doesn't release moisture or absorb any.

The type of plywood you choose will vary depending on how you're planning to use it. Either way it's an affordable alternative to getting natural wood especially when it comes to furniture. The information above answers the question of when plywood was first used in furniture and it also gives other important details.